Removing the engine from a
Centurion at Waiouru in the 1960s. This
particular vehicle is completed in a disruptive camouflage scheme. It
is believed that at least one
vehicle was so finished to be used as an aggressor vehicle for
training purposes.
'Scipio Africanus' shortly
after its arrival at Waiouru. It is still sporting its WD
number T352176.
"Scipio Africanus" (NZ28538) when it
operated with the School of Armour at Waiouru in the early 1950s. It carries the
School insignia on the turret an A Squadron diamond, divided vertically red on the left
and yellow on the right.
"Scorpion" (NZ28374) at Waiouru when it was part
of Queen Alexandra's Squadron in the late 1950s. |
"Scorpion" now renamed "Apache" with 1
Armoured Squadron at Waiouru in the 1960s. The unit serial 2 inside a square divided
horizontally red over yellow.
One of the Centurion 5s ("Assassin) purchased in 1963
from Hong Kong with 1 Armoured Squadron at Waiouru.